The starting point of this project was studying and understanding why Ahmedabad is marked as the first heritage city and what makes it one.
Then, the idea was to make an outdoor furniture piece. In this case, something that fits well with the existing aesthetics of The House of MG and highlights some local craft of Gujarat.
The base of the dining table is inspired by that of a rounded cane stool - the moodah. The dholpuri stone top gives it a balance of traditional and contemporary. The local art community inspired form, manipulated in metal provides a new sleek look to a typical traditional item.
A highlight to the design is that the top can be crafted, both industrially or traditionally, in a number of material options including stone, terracotta, wood, glass etc.
‘Kaleido' was designed as an academic project for Masters at CEPT University under the guidance of Dr. Rebecca Reubens.
Apart form CEPT Monsoon exhibition 2019, Kaleido was also on display as a part of Dr. Rebecca Reubens set-up at RAW Collaborative 3, Ahmedabad